Conference Papers
Sun, Q., Ayyagari, S. K., Hou, Y., and Dajani, K., (2024). A Dual-Modal Human Activity Recognition System Based on Deep Learning and Data Fusion. ICAIBD 2024.
Chen, Y., Granco, G., Hou, Y., Macias, H., Gomez, F., (2024). AI for Social Good Education at Hispanic Serving Institutions. AAAI 2024.
Sun, Q., Hou, Y., Lu, J., (2023). An Automated On-Bed Rehabilitation System Design Based on Pressure Sensory Data Analysis. IEEE ICAIBD 2023.
Reed, P., Chea, H., Tan, S., Der Wartanian, R., Zhang, Y., Hou, Y., Collins, K., (2022). Shifts in Public Transit Equity during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study in Riverside, California. ASCE ICTD 2022.
Alexander, B., Hou, Y., Khan, B., Jin, J.,(2022). Learn Programming In Virtual Reality? A Case Study of Computer Science Students. IEEE EDUCON 2022.
Radhakrishnan, J., Collazo, M., Uyematsu, D., Salloum, M., Hou, Y., (2021). Towards Predicting Bus On-Time Performance in the Inland Empire. IEEE BigData 2021.
Hou, Y., Muheidat, F., Ghasemkhani, A., Sun, Q., Qiao, H., McIntyre, M., Van Wart M.,(2021). The Adaptation of Online Project-based Learning in Computer Engineering Education Settings. ICL 2021.
Zhao, Y., Hou, Y., Qiao, C., (2021). EdgePS: Selective Parameter Aggregation for Distributed Machine Learning in Edge Computing. IEEE CLOUD 2021.
Hou, Y., Muheidat, F., Usher, T., Prado, W., Guo, X., Van Wart, M., (2021). Evaluation of the COVID-19 Shock on STEM Laboratory Courses. IEEE EDUCON 2021 (Best Paper Award).
Hou, Y., Yan, Z., Collins, K., Popescu, M., (2020). Building a Smart Parking System on College Campus. IEEE/ACM IoTDI 2020.
Shaw, S., Hou, Y., Zhong, W., Sun, Q., Guan, T., Su, L., (2019). Instantaneous Fuel Consumption Estimation Using Smartphones. IEEE VTC 2019.
Hou, Y., Gupta, A., Guan, T., Hu, S., Su, L., Qiao, C., (2017). VehSense: Slippery Road Detection Using Smartphones. IEEE VTC 2017.
Sun, Q., Lu, J., Sun, Y., Qiao, H., Hou, Y., (2017) Space Encoding Based Compressive Tracking with Wireless Fiber-Optic Sensors. EAI MLICOM 2017.
Guan, T., Fang, L., Dong, W., Hou, Y., Qiao, C., (2017). Indoor Localization with Asymmetric Grid-basedFilters in Large Areas Utilizing Smartphones. IEEE ICC 2017.
Hou, Y., Wood, E., Burton, E., Gonder, J., (2015). Suitability of Synthetic Driving Profiles from Traffic MicroSimulation for Real-World Energy Analysis. ITS World Congress 2015.
Hou, Y., Wan, J., Zhao, Y., Hulme, K. F., Wu, C., Sadek, A. W., Qiao, C. (2014). The Effect of Autonomous Speed Control System: An Investigation on Minimum Headway and Driver’s Acceptance. ITS World Congress 2014.
Hou, Y., Wan, J., Zhao, Y., Hulme, K., Wu, C., Sadek, A. W., Qiao, C. (2014). A Validated and Integrated Simulation Framework for Human Factors Analyses. I/ITSEC 2014.
Raghuwanshi, V., Salunke, S., Hou, Y., Hulme, K. (2014). Development of a Microscopic Artificially Intelligent Traffic Model for Simulation. I/ITSEC 2014.
Kundu, S., Singh A., Qiao, C., Hou, Y. (2014). Vehicle Speed Control Algorithms for Data Delivery and Eco-Driving. ICCVE 2014 (Best Digest Paper Award).
Hou, Y., Li, Xu., Zhao, Y., Jia, X., Sadek, A. W., Hulme, K., Qiao, C. (2013). Towards Efficient Vacant Taxis Cruising Guidance. IEEE GLOBECOM 2013.
Li, X., Qiao, C., Hou, Y., Zhao, Y., Wagh, A., Sadek, A. W., Huang, L., Xu, H. (2013). On-road ads delivery scheduling and bandwidth allocation in vehicular CPS. IEEE INFOCOM 2013.
Hou, Y., Li, X., Qiao, C. (2012). TicTac:From transfer-incapable carpooling to transfer-allowed carpooling. IEEE GLOBECOM 2012.
Journal Papers
Collins, K., Der Wartanian, R., Hou, Y., Ayyagari, S. K., & Khatri, B. P. (2025). Using Big Data to Analyze Long-Haul vs Regional-Short-Haul Trips for Medium-and Heavy-Duty Vehicles. Data in Brief.
McIntyre, M., Cui, G., Hou, Y. (2025). Virtual Avoidance: Examining STEM Students' Lower Interest in Online Courses. The Internet and Higher Education.
Hou, Y., McIntyre, M. M., Fu, J., Herrera, J., Aldirawi, H., & Van Wart, M. (2024). Post-COVID-19 Student and Faculty Perceptions of Online Computing Labs: Better Targeted, Better Perceptions, but Still Need Improvement. Education Sciences.
Kelly, A., Khan B., Ayub, M., Hussain, A., Dajani, K., Hou, Y., Khan W.,(2024). Video Dataset of Sheep Activity for Animal Behavioral Analysis via Deep Learning. Data in Brief.
Zhao, Y., Yang, C., Zhao, G., Hou, Y., Wang, T. and Qiao, C., (2023), JointPS: Joint Parameter Server Placement and Flow Scheduling for Machine Learning Clusters, IEEE Transactions on Computers.
Collins, K., Der Wartanian, R., Reed, P., Chea, H., Hou, Y., Zhang, Y., (2023), Social Equity And Public Transit In The Inland Empire: Introducing A Transit Equity Analysis Model. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives.
Hou, Y., Ghasemkhani, A., Aldirawi, H., McIntyre, M., Van Wart, M., (2022), Shifts in STEM Student Perceptions of Online Classes Across 18 Months. American Journal of Distance Education.
Medina, P., Vij, N., Ni A., Zhang, J., Hou, Y., McIntyre, M., (2022), The “Mainstreaming” of Online Teaching and Conflicted Faculty Perceptions. International Journal of Adult Education and Technology.
Zhong, W., Suo, Q., Ma, F., Hou, Y., Gupta, A., Qiao, C., and Su. L., (2019), A Reliability-Aware Vehicular Crowdsensing System for Pothole Profiling. Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol.
Zhang, Y., Xu, C., Qiao, C., and Hou, Y., (2019), The Effects of Warning Characteristics on Driver Behavior in Connected Vehicles Systems with Missed Warnings, Accident Analysis and Prevention.
Hou, Y., Seliman, S., Wang, E., Gonder, J., Wood, E., He, Q., Sadek, A., Su, L., Qiao, C., (2018), Cooperative and Integrated Vehicle and Intersection Control for Energy Efficiency (CIVIC-E²), IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
Hou, Y., Zhong, W. , Su, L., Hulme, K.F., Sadek, A.W., and Qiao, C. (2016), TASeT: Improving the Efficiency of Electric Taxis with Transfer-Allowed Rideshare, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
Hou, Y., Zhao, Y., Wagh, A., Zhang, L., Sadek, A. W., Hulme, K. F., Wu, C., Qiao, C., Liu, X. (2015). Simulation Based Testing and Evaluation Tools for Transportation Cyber-Physical Systems. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
Wagh, A., Hou, Y., Qiao, C., Zhang, L., Li, X., Sadek, A. W., Hulme, K. F., Wu, C., Xu, H., Huang, L. (2014). Emerging Applications for Cyber Transportation Systems. Journal of Computer Science and Technology.
Hou, Y., Zhao, Y., Hulme, K. F., Huang S., Yang Y., Sadek, A. W., Qiao, C., (2013). An Integrated traffic-driving simulation framework: Design, implementation, and validation. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies.
Zhao, Y., Wagh, A., Hou, Y., Hulme, K. F., Qiao, C., Sadek, A.W. (2013). Integrated traffic-driving-networking simulator for the design of connected vehicle applications: Eco-signal case study, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning and Operations.
Book Chapters, Technical Reports
Chen, Y., Macias, H., Granco, G., Hou, Y., Gomez, F.A. (2025). AI for Social Good Education Through a Culturally Responsive Pedagogy. Artificial Intelligence for Design and Process Science. Springer.
Collins, K., Van Wart, M., Hou, Y., Beer, F., (2024). Moving Towards the Electrification of Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles in the Inland Empire. Mineta Transportation Institute.
Hou, Y., Collins, K., Van Wart, M., (2021). Intersection Management, Cybersecurity, and Local Government: ITS Applications, Critical Issues, and Regulatory Schemes. Smart Mobility - Recent Advances, New Perspectives and Applications. IntechOpen.
Zhao, Y., Hou, Y., Wag, A., Huang, S., Hulme, K., Qiao, C., Sadek, A.W., (2014). A Partial Reality Experimental System for human-in-the-loop testing of Connected and Automated Vehicle Applications: Development, Validation and Applications. Road Vehicle Automation, Springer.